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Nancy Krumm Richardson, PT, MSPT, HTCP


I became a physical therapist because I was drawn to both the art and science of movement and loved the beauty of working to help others improve their health and wellness.  I initially worked extensively with children with congenital muscular torticollis, autism, cerebral palsy, and developmental delays among others. I loved to figure out how to engage the kiddos so that they were part of their own healing and making it fun was key. My own journey shifted in 2011 when I developed a life-altering illness. Complementary methods of healing became a big part of my path toward wellness. Prior to this experience, I was very skeptical of nontraditional approaches, but I soon discovered that they add great value to traditional health care. I was introduced to both Myofascial Release and Healing Touch and saw the functional improvements quickly. I knew I had to integrate these methods into my own practice. I then branched out and started working with adults and the elderly. I truly enjoy working with all age groups and have found that I am able to incorporate many traditional and nontraditional methods to empower clients and journey with them on their personal healing path.

I have lived most of my life in beautiful Cincinnati, Ohio. I enjoy spending time with my husband, my adult kiddos and our fun-loving (sometimes loud) cat. I love to hike, kayak, bike, sew and travel to National Parks. My newest venture is learning more about gardening from my Master Gardener mom.

©2020 by Free to Move Therapy, LLC. 

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